Monday, April 26, 2010


College is regarded as an important time in one's life. Society even portrays it to be a rite of passage into adulthood because "everybody goes to college." Therefore, it is instilled in children's brains all throughout grade school that one must go to college in order to be regarded as a high achieving citizen. However, aspects of college do not fit into the definition of Rites of Passage. Rites of Passage are coming of age rituals that are identical among each person. In college, one focuses on the self and self fulfilling happiness and success. Everyone has different priorities. Therefore, college is portrayed as a rite of passage but is failing to provide graduates with the proper transitions and success of adulthood.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Evolution of Paper

When I first addressed my paper I wanted to take the stand that college is a liminal state between adulthood and childhood and that what happens in college is not clearly defined. Now, I still want to say that what happens in college is not clearly defined, however I am focusing on college as a rite of passage. When I first thought of college as a rite of passage I insisted that it was, because I have been hearing my whole life that I had to go to college. Now, I am trying to examine if college is a failing rite of passage, if all rites of passage are failing, and if the college rite of passage is a privatized and self project.


I chose this picture because it marks a time that people usually spend four years working towards. Wearing cap and gown and tossing the cap after graduation marks the completion of a stage in one's life.